
an experiment
in prosepoetry

volume Ivolume Ivolume IIvolume IIvolume IIIvolume III





once long ago i had this chick friend head fulla red hair face fulla freckles laugh like summer rain mind clean like a hospital room she worked with poor kids in orphanages went to fuckin africa to help even poorer kids went to church religiously praise jesus hail mary this girl would not could not harm only blood she ever spilled on purpose was on her wedding night.


i used to think that kinda innocence was like an ideal in women and that women were here to nurture and men were here to protect and together we’d make some kinda adam and eve captain planet love machine save the world love thy neighbour.


thank fuck i got over that.


the world needs all kinda people the caretakers the killers the stupid the cunning the lost & the found take one out and you lessen humanity simple as that.


these days i find greater purity in those who’ve fallen the stained and tainted the damaged goods because they know more of what it means to be human true uncensored unwashed humanity than just the ones who clean up the mess; these latter in my eyes are less than the creators, the breakers—


—those fucking beautiful disasters; i love them so.

made for


keep writing   
there is wisdom
in sight 

