
an experiment
in prosepoetry

volume Ivolume Ivolume IIvolume IIvolume IIIvolume III




one day early in high school i had this realisation hit me that i could die at any moment because of any number of stupid shit run over by a car head split open by a falling brick random heart stoppage food poisoning electrocuted by cut live wire and it was this moment of panic where i could almost vividly see the sky open up and angels shine down sun rays to carry my corpse up for judgement.


i wasnt even religious by this point and yet i could still see that out of all the things that could go bad this might as well happen and id find myself face to face with some bearded guy telling me im kind of a dick rough times.


honestly though i had this secret wish that if that scenario ever happened instead of my spirit shooting out of my lifeless body or chubby little angels gently flying me to the pearly gates i wouldve much rather had fuckin valkyries soar down on golden winged horses while wagners march furiously boomed out of the sky.


i wonder if the mead in valhalla is really as good as they say.

made for


keep writing   
there is wisdom
in sight 

