
an experiment
in prosepoetry

volume Ivolume Ivolume IIvolume IIvolume IIIvolume III

fat man on a park



i see friends family random people take up meditation treating stress and anxiety and depression and i wonder if and how it works for them because for me that action of sitting down somewhere eyes closed knees bent hands on lap has no effect whatsoever i cant think become nothing because if i try and silence my inner monologue more voices come breezing new ideas in like cutting the head of a hydra.


there is no peace for me in reducing the world to a whisper because then i try and take up the speech bearing the torch keep it going. there is never peace.


but if i go down to a park by the sea in a subway at the cafe there are already tens hundreds of voices living breathing under the monotone rumbling of background static and the melody of lifeblood streaming through the veins of plants and people and here there is no need or urgency to add my own whether by voice chords or mind strings.


letting it all in through sight sound smell vibration.
thats nice.

made for


keep writing   
there is wisdom
in sight 

