
an experiment
in prosepoetry

volume Ivolume Ivolume IIvolume IIvolume IIIvolume III

my kingdom

for a h




every field every industry has a set of people that both those within the scene and without recognise as royalty—the elite few subjectively collectively crowned and placed at the top of the food chain pyramid looking down upon the plebeian masses beneath them.


there are the african warlord crowns more burdens than anything demanding that the wearers keep themselves fit and omnipotent else they be dethroned and decapitated then there are the old imperialistic crowns where once the title is stapled onto them they reign and grow more powerful with age usurpers be damned.


its this old relationship between stability and power high risk high reward all that jazz as ancient as time that i just find fascinating in the way that one finds the far-off arctic lights fascinating distant and beautiful.


i know im gonna be a peasant my whole life the crowns and titles dont tempt me like they used to and the golden sway they held over my dreams has been melted and cast into door knobs theyll be of more use opening doors to new houses than serving as keys to a kingdom.

made for


keep writing   
there is wisdom
in sight 

