
an experiment
in prosepoetry

volume Ivolume Ivolume IIvolume IIvolume IIIvolume III

mr sandman





i sleep more than anybody i know its kinda impressive when i stop to think about how much time i lose sleeping sometimes and how much time i waste not sleeping at others ive gone seventy hours without sleep and ive slept sixty hours over three days and it is within the boundaries of these extremes that i nurture a very conscious love-hate relationship with being unconscious.


waking up has always been a struggle and the sleeping-in option has been used and abused ever since i had to wake up at seven for school even these days the earliest i can manage is nine nine-thirty i just fall prey to the pillow keeping me in its jaws like a rabbit to an ever-hungry wolf.


im not sure if this is a cause or a consequence of my lack of discipline but it certainly reinforces it and the times ive chosen to lose hours and hours of not being alive if counted could probably amount to a year by now.


a year—ive already died a year early.


the realisation wont make me wake up earlier tomorrow.
i am not a smart person.

made for


keep writing   
there is wisdom
in sight 

