youre a goner man.
you didnt listen to the signs you dont listen to signs youve left already here and now youve fallen again hello darkness here we meet again such a warm embrace for something that always leaves us colder than before as much hope as we have get further into this world the more outside of it we feel our ties are stretching thin these bindings are less that more agreements yes ill do this yes ills tay for now for now.
we are becoming worse people;
poor villains in the making.
we havent thought about this for more than ten years and back then when we were small shrimp gasping for air in an aquarium we had completely different reasons we were driven by curiosity once and a fine thing it wouldve been back then but now were just honestly contemplating defeat and whats worse in all of this is that we still see it as utterly cowardly way of going while at the same time we dont think were cowards and its such a bleak prospect i dont know maybe the kid was right maybe we are just losers unable to adapt when even the lowest among us somehow managed or at least get through the days day by day its still something its still eyes open no matter what they see or dont.
this view of failure straight up pisses me off because weve always hated remember forever those three failures of ours and not how they stung but clawed at our innars for days months unrelenting in their mangling and this last one would be just so awesomely pathetic shock just cant describe although in some situations i guess concrete water metal and too much air would have that impact heh.
fighting might be in our blood one way or another outer rather than inner in the end although that might just be the nature of things what runs does what pours goes we are poor judges of mechanics right now but i guess were just gonna run with it anyway because really what choice do we hae no zen masters coy as koi we lack cojones for true drama no balls to juggle with makes for a poor performer.
at the same time we still rational enough to understand how things work that like it or not some things control us and all these variables have been neglected for months so yes all this might directly fuck with us hard as the hell theyre dragging us down into downward spiral going down with short glances thrown above as we pause to think on all the steps this staircase has had what were just trying to do now is look below and see how darker it might become be as it may theres still space by definition of the word and we cant help but travel through willingly or not.
business or pleasure this question of purpose hangs above our heads and wrapped around our necks as were never sure where it takes while we may have an answer for years now i guess were still searching for more clean cut ways to go about it not just talk about it feel me feel you we had a story once pack bike and pup but moving comes with inertia and stopping is harder than keeping going as you do.
we get bogged down in this create more thing style that dictates our willingness to even do what we do in the first place so much that the heaviness it brings rests on our shoulders even in our best moments post-creation completion and it binds bounds back to that purpose but now its named scope and closer to the root parasytic drain it of vitality as we havent defined what we want to output aside from beauty and no scale to it aside from more thats it and thats not good for us if even our highest is mediocre then changes need making.